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Resolver (Training and Events) Ltd  presents

Online Dispute Resolution

Justice Re-Imagined

27th-28th June 2018



Brexit 60 mins!

No need to wait until next year. You can forget the politicians. ..forget the commentators. The Brexit deal will be resolved at this major international conference on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Smart Contacts being held in Liverpool on the 27th/28th June 2018, when the power of Artificial Intelligence, employed within complex multi-issue negotiations, will be demonstrated in a real time simulation of the Brexit negotiation.  Diana Wallis ,a former MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament will be assisting with the negotiation.

At the outset  the  negotiators, representing the lead parties and member groups in the Brexit negotiations, will use published, non-controversial, economic and social impact  data  related to a range of  issues to help  identify and assess priorities flowing from  the options  and use such to draw up a working framework for the negotiations. 


Negotiators will then put together in sequence a series of packages for agreement, deciding, in each case, whether to reveal them to the other parties or just to the computer, which, as it  begins to ‘learn’ their respective priorities, proceeds to assist and ‘nudge’ them to fully evaluate the impact of available packages, thereby helping  all sides to develop the negotiation in a way more likely to lead to mutual agreement. 

Please note that, for a change, political factors will be totally ignored in the evaluation of the packages. 


In other words, for one hour, political intelligence will,


be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.


Speakers at “Online Dispute Resolution-Justice Re-Imagined” will include Lord Briggs, Justice of the Supreme Court, whose Report last year directly led to the building of the newly opened online court; Kerry Greenidge, Acting Manager of the online court project; Joshua Rozenberg, of BBC Radio 4’s Law In Action;  Colin Rule, the former Head of ODR at eBay and PayPal and now Vice-President at Tyler Technologies(leading provider of technology to the courts); Professor Ethan Katsh, Head of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts; Paul Embley, Head of the Technology Division of the US National Center for State Courts,  Rob Knight, Chief Technology Officer, and Christopher Wray, Chief Legal Officer, respectively at smart contract developer Mattereum, Bill Kingdon, MD of the International Cotton Association, Caroline Sheppard , Chief Adjudicator at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (adjudicating on challenges to the Mersey Gateway smart charging system) , James Walker founder and MD of the consumer  complaint service Resolver  and over 30 other speakers from 19 countries  on ODR, smart contracts and blockchain technology together with demonstrations of existing systems. 


For the full list of speakers and panel discussions click here.

The conference forms part of the world's biggest international business festival ( . Delegates to the ODR Conference receive a free 3 week pass to the IBF itself. 

Partner Organisations

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

For event partner opportunities please email

ThIs site is operated, and the conference organised, by Resolver (Training and Events) Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 09604982 and whose Registered Office is situated at 207 Regent Street 3rd Floor, London, England, W1B 3HH


08450 573943


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