Online Dispute Resolution
Justice Re-Imagined
June 27th/28th 2018
Liverpool, UK
presented by www.ODRtraining.com
The programme committee is currently designing the programme around the speakers. Since the speaker list is not yet complete the programme is not yet ready to appear. What we can tell you is that there will be moderated panels with no parallel sessions. The questions addressed will include:-
What is the range of ODR processes?
What ODR systems are currently operational and available?
How can ODR benefit business?
How can ADR professionals benefit from ODR?
What results have emerged from operating ODR systems?
What is the impact, positive and negative, of ODR on Access to Justice?
Which court system are adopting ODR and with what result?
What is the Blockchain, how does it operate, and why is it relevant to the future of ODR?
What are Smart Contracts and how are they produced?
What coding content of Smart Contracts could focus on resolving disputes through automated means?
Do smart contracts containing automated resolution functionality present a threat or, as disputes around subjective assessment (eg quality) often require human opinion to resolve, an opportunity to arbitrators, adjudicators and ombudsmen?
This site is operated, and the Conference organised, by Resolver (Training and Events) Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 09604982 and whose Registered Office is situated at 207 Regent Street 3rd Floor, London, England, W1B 3HH
In association with ODR Training Ltd , a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 11197806 and whose Registered Office is situated at Suite 139 , Imperial Court Exchange St East, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L2 3AB
contact: admin@theresolver.com