The Car Crash of Legislation That Is Missing The Opportunity To Expand Mediation
Despite being one of the major creators of civil justice throughout the world, it is shameful that, with over 100 years passing since...

ODR for Collective Redress
Continuing from my previous post on how increasingly interest is being shown in the potential for ODR in specific types of claims, last...

Will UK Gov'ts Late Payment Solution Deliver?
On the 26th July 2015 the UK Government launched a consultation on proposals to establish a Small Business Commissioner to help small...

"The Future of Justice" - University of Leicester IT Law Society
Honoured to be invited to present the keynote speech at the 'Future of Justice' conference held by the Information Technology Law Society...

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 7th Symposium on Mediation
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators held their 7th Symposium on Mediation on the 9th October 2014. These events focus very much on...

Presentation to Civil Mediation Council
You can download here my presentation slides, with notes (view in notes), to the Annual Conference of the Civil Mediation Council in...

The Unintended Consequences of the New EU Law on ADR/ODR?
"You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it...

Compulsory Mediation Meetings Introduced Today in Family Cases in England and Wales
From the 22nd of April anyone wishing to start court proceedings in divorce will be required to attend a meeting to learn about how...