The Car Crash of Legislation That Is Missing The Opportunity To Expand Mediation
Despite being one of the major creators of civil justice throughout the world, it is shameful that, with over 100 years passing since...

Major Companies Breaching New Consumer Laws
I will be presenting evidence on May 23rd 2016 to the Westminster Legal Policy Forum and on the 24th to a conference at the Peace...

The Online Court Debate
I have been under some attack in the comment section of the online version of the Law Society Gazette. By all means read the exchanges...

ODR for Collective Redress
Continuing from my previous post on how increasingly interest is being shown in the potential for ODR in specific types of claims, last...

ODR in Clinical Negligence
One example of how interest in ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) is beginning to mature is the growing interest in the application of ODR...

Council of Europe Committee Urges Wider Use of ODR
Last week saw the publication of a Report to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
of the Council of Europe on the question of...

New Years Resolutions To Rise?
The 1st October 2015 was quite a momentous day for ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) and ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). Its just a...

Artificial Intelligence Tackles The Law. What Hope For Ned Ludd QC?
If we listened only to the naysayers of this world, we would still be living without:- The aeroplane - "no chance of it ever becoming a...